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Nowadays, people’s lives are flexible and adaptable; daily life varies for different individuals depending on their own routine and temporalities.

This spontaneity allows us to imagine street furniture as a potential new type of space with a creative and collaborative colour. Furniture becomes a place to sit back and relax, to work or exchange ideas. BASE is working on the evolution of street furniture, creating generous structures that become places in themselves. In French we call this “mobilieux”. Mobilier – Furniture. Lieux – Place.

XXL Furniture as place — PROJECTS

Rennes : Saint-Martin meadows

Nantes : The embankments of the île de Nantes

Lyon : Champ de la Confluence

Lyon : Blandan park

Montpellier : University Campus

Calais : Design of the sea front

Montéleger : Lorient Park

Lyon : Riverbanks of the Saône / Nature trail

Villeurbanne : Design of the Grandclément plaza

Troyes : Lyon Meadows Park

Michelin : Campus & Place des Carmes

La Verrière Bois de l’Etang : Development of the pedestrian network

Bois-Colombes : Pompidou Park