PAYS DE REVERMONT : Territorial workshops

Tourist positioning
Natural resources

Client :
DREAL Franche-Comté /
Min. de l’écologie et du dd

BASE paysagistes
+ RiO architectes-urbanistes – Team representative
+ CSD environnement + Attitudes Urbaines programmation

Pays de Revermont / Jura
Surface / 59 825 ha

The loss of population in the old village centers can be explained by the societal changes of the 20th century.

This is a phenomenon which affects various regions of France and is an issue which is concomitant with the spread of housing estates which continue to be developed. Indeed, a new demand is emerging from young households: they want to have space, outdoor spaces, while being close to dynamic urban centers. How can we renew the offer of life in the old town centers? What spatial strategies can we apply? What are the tools and levers for pursuing these strategies and considering their effective implementation?

Our mission, mandated by DREAL, but carried out on site in the form of workshops with the mayors and the various stakeholders of the territory, aimed to solve this general problem by building on a real need expressed by three communes of the same catchment area: the Pays de Revermont.

Through these workshops, we were able to offer shared tools based on project guidelines, in the form of action sheets for each municipality defining land interventions, actions on the landscape, urban planning principles, heritage and tourism development and promotion of local products. These action sheets broken down into phases also aimed to identify the different players and their role at each stage and for each theme.

Territory – other projects :