Revin : Jean Moulin Lycée
Public space
Public facilities
School group
Forest environment
Green roofs
Sloped ground
Client :
Région Champagne Ardennes
+ SCAPE Architecture
+ Architecture Composite
Revin / Ardennes
Budget / 22 M€
Surface / 3 ha
Completed / 2015
The Revin commune is located in the Ardenne, within a forested area which straddles the border between France and Belgium.
The site in question is encompassed by an oak woodland colony, exposed to the south east, making it a rich environment suitable for the development of vegetation. The landscape project draws on this forest environment. The integration of the buildings in the local landscape is achieved thanks to works on levelling, circulation and planting. To establish a sense of resonance with the wider landscape, the terraces formed by the architectural project are planted with high standing, significantly developed trees (downy oaks, sessile oak, various rowans)
This vegetal layer is sometimes organised, random or absent according to the function of the space in question.
The use and the function of these tiers generates several different types of gardened space (woodland gardens, mineral garden, transition gardens, play gardens…) which are intimately linked to the buildings. Gardens begin to take shape; a cross country garden, a recreative lawn, a sports terrace, a living room terrace, a schist garden, grassland with bulbs, flowering woodland… The green roof requires an extensive plantation strategy, adapted to a large surface. A technique involving the punctual seeding of mini clumps forms pockets of perennials and grasses which create variations of colour and volume on the roof.