Pessac OIM : Bordeaux InnoCampus – Creative Valley

Development strategy
Public space
Landscape continuum
Urban nature
Creation of an identity
Soft modes of transport
Co – constructed edges

Client :
Bordeaux Métropole

BASE + HDZ – Team Representative + Safege + Une autre ville + Transitec + ON

Pessac-Gradignan / Gironde
Total / 42 M€
Surface / 542 ha
Studies and project management ongoing / 2026

The OIM Bordeaux InnoCampus covers a development area of ​​1350 ha. The east of the campus brings together the largest concentration of higher education establishments in the metropolis, and to the west there is a vast area of diverse activities hosting a high density of research and innovation stakeholders.

The 9-year framework agreement for town planning and project management aims to requalify the 542 ha of the sector located outside the bypass, within the municipalities of Pessac, Gradignan and Canéjan . The objective of the operation is to renew and densify the business area. To accommodate the 10,000 future jobs in an already congested area, a mobility strategy is at the heart of the study. The team implements extensive intermodiality measures; integrating High-Performance Buses, a network of efficient and secure bicycle routes, continuation of pedestrian paths and separate car parks.

There is a strong ambition to promote the joint establishment of man and nature through establishing spaces with multiple uses, finding possibilities in terms of mutualisation and optimising all situations and circumstances. In this sense, particular attention will be paid to the co-creation of a common landscape and the breaking down of the borders between private and public space. In particular this involves harmonising edges and working on transitions from public to passing to private space as well as the contact point with existing fabrics. Re-qualifying public space means qualifying places through program.

Territory – other projects :