Nantes : Ducs meadows
Public space
Urban project management
Central courtyard
Public gardens
Client :
AVA (Vinci immobilier- Ardissa – Adim Ouest) + Harmonie Habitat (logement social)
+ Block architectes
+ ITF + Cetrac
Grand Prix Régional
des Pyramides d’Argent 2017 décerné par la Fédération
des Promoteurs Immobiliers
Nantes / Loire-Atlantique
Budget / 16,5 M€
Surface / 1 800 m2
Construction ongoing
The urban project of the Ile de Nantes promotes the development of collective community practices both on the scale of the building blocks and on a larger global scale.
Here, the use and appropriation of the space by residents is a fundamental issue. As part of the concept of public and collective space, we propose a business program linked to events or exhibitions. This approach helps unite the space, giving a strong identity to the courtyard. On the scale of the Ile de Nantes and the city, this courtyard is a room that can be integrated into a system of landscape spaces. It is accessible via an East – West axis as well as through several foyers which traverse the building. A green cordon keeps the accomodation at a distance from the main courtyard, preserving the privacy of walkers and of the residents.
On the east side, this cordon constitutes a filter between the exterior public space and interior collective private space. The centre of the courtyard is maintained as a garden; a pleasant living environment for residents with furniture adapted to various uses. There is a playful animation between open and planted spaces, with a variety of uses for different age groups, in connection with the various different building programs.
Two atmospheres are established here: To the North is an ornamental and relaxation garden planted so as to allow for relatively open spaces in between. To the South, a more open courtyard (with layers of shrubs and herbaceous plants) features a terrace adjoining the future restaurant, a play area for all ages and 2 meeting spaces for exhibitions or events.These spaces can also be used together for demonstrations.
Housing – other projects :